Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Preveiw Into the Mind of Tyler Collins: First Thoughts for The Dark Progenator

Chapter 1: The Dark Beginning
__The war has been longer than I expected. No matter what I do to end this war, they always have a back-up plan. The CIS are the ones who have always been behind every natural disaster ever since I received this power. CIS stands for Cybernetic Installation Solider. I myself think the CIS are just a waste of technology, but they always have their fifteen minute of fame.
__Many of the 501st, my army of elite soldiers, call me the Dark Progenator, but my real name is Michael Anderson. My best friend, Mark Patnaude, is a solider of the 501st. My origin is unknown, but I can't die or feel pain, but I still lose a lot of blood, so I have the ability to regenerate myself and others.
__Anyway, my life is really complicated."Commander, we are awaiting your access code," informed Recruit Cody, a fine, well trained solider of the 501st."Very well, I'll be there immediately," I said with a sigh."Mark," I yelled. "Yes sir." He replied."I need you to work on the shield generator while I'm gone. Make sure that they are strong enough to withstand the CIS's Plasmite Missiles." mark bowed his head",Yes sir, right away."
__aAs Cody and I headed toward the signal becon control room, I noticed that Cody was trembling. I read his thoughts and they said he was picturing this base blowing up, and no one survived. with a sigh I said to him", You need not to worry of the base blowing up right now because I sense this war coming to an end, you understand?". "Yes sir," he said, and I could tell in his voice that what I said calmed him in a way, I couldn't tell why, but it just did.
__As we entered the control room, I could hardly see because the dim light of the room. what I could see, was General Verse, one who I hated the most. I hoped I would just pass by him, Enter my access code, and leave. If you were in my position you would wish that the most, forget tripping on a power cord, take out the bases power, it was General Verse that I feared most right now. Unfortunately, like almost every wish I had, it didn't come true.
Chapter 2: Together Again
__"You here to do your job, not sit around and do nothing!" He yelled furiously to one of the staff members."And one more thing, I, sweet Jesus. The 12 year old commander named,The Dark Progenator. You know I didn't want you within twenty feet of me." As much as I wanted to show him my true power, I couldn't. Killing him will put me in jail, and I'll be stripped of my commanding duties. with a smile, I said ", Do you want the damn signal becon operational, or not." He was about to beat the crap out of me, until one of the staff members reminded our low intelligent general that both general and commander must put their access codes into the control broad for the signal becon to work. He calmed down, and told me to insert my access code. I did as commanded, and left as soon as I could.
__Once I left the control room, someone pulled me in the darkness, and hugged me tightly. With out seeing her face, I knew how it was. it was my girlfriend, Jennet Perez. She is so beautiful. She has brown eyes, beautiful brown hair, and she is about my size, only a little bit shorter. I've known her for about nine years now."What are you doing here?" I asked. With her radiant look, her eyes light up in a beam of outside light, her ever so gentle grip on my solders, she said", I had to see you. I haven't seen you in days, and I thought something happened to you." I smiled, took my fingers, and went through her very smooth and soft hair, and said " I'm fine, and it's not you who should be worrying about me, but me worrying about you." She smiled and hugged me once more. " It'll be okay, the war should be over soon. In the mean time, come with me, I need to visit Master Kin." She agreed, and we were on our way
Chapter 3: To My Disappointment
__"No, no, no. You are all out of control!" yelled a very respected old man by the name of, Master Kin, a swordsman master, of which class I was best at. " Is there a problem Master," I asked. He trued slowly, and with a smile he said " Of course there is a problem, all my students have been ignoring me ever since they arrived." Jennet looked up at me as I looked at her. Ten boys and ten girls are, yes a handful, but I assured him that I would take care of it. Just as a kid threw a paper wad, I stepped forward, and jabbed the ball of paper with my saber-sword. The saber-sword is the same thing as a lightsaber, all it is is it just has a different name. There was silence until I turned the saber-sword off. The children were so ashamed of themselves they drooped to their knees, and begged for forgiveness.

__I looked over my shoulder to see Master Kin laughing so hard, I'm afraid the old man may have a heart attack. The young man whom threw the ball of paper said ', I'm sorry, I will not do it again. I'll do what ever you want, anything, just name it." With that I said to him ", Listen to Master Kin, and obey what he says.'' Thinking he would try to be funny he said ", And if I don't." Furious and angry I told him to draw his sword, surprisingly , he listened. I drew the first attack, slashing and slicing at him, my rage level went down slowly. As he blocked every attack I could through at him, I did a back flip, my hands on the ground, the pushed off the ground so my feet have been planted back on the ground, my hand out telling him to stop.
__He didn't, instead he tried to cut off my hand. I didn't pull back, instead, he hit my hand and the saber-sword didn't penetrate my arm. I kicked him back, where he struck there was a glove. The glove went to my elbow. I pulled it off, and everyone, including Jennet, gasped, for there was not an arm, but a fully plated bionic arm.
Chapter 4: A Shocking Discovery
__"I was hoping nobody would see this. Severed arms or legs are 'unhealable'," I said while everyone stood in shock. Jennet came over to me, and put her arm around my neck, as if I was limping. No matter, I loved her, and she came to comfort me. That is all that matters now, that she loves me, and I love her. The student I fought with, did as Jennet only he said he was sorry. All I said was", Don't worry about it. You did your best, and that's what counts." He smiled, and we three, Jennet, the student, and I walked to my room in sector A12. " You should rest. You have a big day tomorrow." Jennet said in her usual, worried tone. I sighed and lied down. As she was leaving I said ", You should too. I mean, you have a big day tomorrow too." She smiled, and agreed we should both get some rest, for tomorrow, we assault the CIS base in the abandoned city named, Castlton.
__I couldn't go to sleep that night, and with Jennet in the bed next to me, I got twice as worried. I dared not wake her. I closed my eyes, not to sleep, but to use my power to sense where the other Dark Progenator is. I can't pin-point his exact location, but I know he is as far as Castleton. What I can do is figure out his facial features. He has blue eyes, and his eyes are also bloodshot. Dark black hair, evil smile, and to top it all off, his skin is partially grey. The thought of him just gives me the creeps. The 501st, exspecally me, is in for all kinds of hell, and I'm looking forward to it, being the "Dark Progenator" and all. All I hope for is that all the people of the 501st, do not get killed. Exspecally, Jennet.
Chapter 5: Into the War
__I woke to Jennet shaking me, telling me to wake up. ", Come on sleepy head, time to wake up." I opened my eye to see her standing over me, smiling. " You know you smile a lot. That's what I love about you," I said, complementing her. I looked around the well cleaned room that Jennet and I worked on so hard one day. I rose out of my bed slowly, looked at her, and smiled. As you can tell, we are deeply in love, even though we both are about 12 year old. What's funny is that Jennet doesn't look like solider at first glance, but if you look mid way between her hip, and her knee you can see her gun holster. Me, I'm different, you can see my combat belt with my hand customised, saber-sword, and my Plasma Rifle. Is that all? No, of course not. I have two Japanese, hand made swords in an X shape on my back. as we walked onto the moss covered walkway above the shield generator, I could see my Dark Starfighter in the main hanger. General Verse was giving his ' we'll win the war if it's the last thing we'll do ' speech. Luckily, we came when it was about finished. " You head down, and I'll meet you down there. Okay," I told Jennet. She listened, which she always does. Mark's room was next door to mine, so I decided to visit him.
__"Hey Mark, you here," I yelled, trying to locate him. Next thing I heard was was him yelling", Yeah, I'm in the back." Not quite sure if he was really ready for the war again. He was wounded in our battle. He was rushing from the back of his room. "You ready now, I mean you don't have to go." He was panting so hard, I could hardly make out what he trying to say. All I could make out was ", No way, I'm going. besides you need me. I'm the second best gunner, and everyone knows your score topped even General Verse." All I did was chuckle a bit and ordered him to report to the main hanger, where Jennet was waiting for me. He rushed out the door, and I ran after him. Two Minute later we both are sitting in the cockpits of our ships. His was named Dark Cruiser, and mine, Dark Starfighter. Jennet was my co-pilot. " I'll see you in the air buddy," I told Mark. He gave the thumbs up. And with that, we are in the air heading strait for Castleton.
Chapter 6: Battle for Castleton
__We where asking for hell that fateful day. Jennet kept on squeezing my hand the whole flight there. I thought this would go well, but the CIS War Factory was sure to give us a warm welcome. " Hold on Jennet, we're in for a bumpy ride," I said with a smile, since I love a battle like this one. The war factory was a hovering battle station with a square hover pad, and an Ion Cannon tower on every corner. The main tower was covered with glistening spikes, and walkways to the Ion Cannons, ground, and escape ship docks. As I maneuvered between the towers and walkways, I sensed, a negative, raw power equal to mine. I set the starfighter to auto pilot. "Jennet, can you operate the main gun," I asked her. "Of course I can." I told her to gun, while I search for the negative energy. I jumped from the ship, 100 feet if you want to get Technical, and landed on the war factory, unharmed.
__I saw an entrance to the structure. I knew this was too easy, so I took a step forward, and two sentinels came flying down from an ion cannon. a sentinel is a squid like machine, with a laser on the bottom, and twelve sensors for eyes, but the sensors are all different sizes. I reached for my saber-sword, but someones starfighter was firing at them. I looked up, and it was Mark. I looked back at the sentinels, and one was still moving. I ordered Mark to hold fire. I drawled my saber-sword, and stabber the thing, leaving it in a heap of blown metal, and headed into the dark, cold war factory.
Chapter 7: The Search for Negative Energy
__I was now inside the war factory, and as I suspected, fifty sentinels just stood there, cold, silent. If I made even one sound, they would know. The already drawn saber-sword in my hands, and I'm just about to activate it, when their eyes lit up. As everyone knows, when their eyes shine bright red, it's an alert telling them to report to the person in charge, with out question, my negative. I put my weapon away, and followed them. The sentinels have a small hover pad beneath them, other than the laser beam that penetrated my body, five years ago. As I followed them, I found an invasion army, strayed from the line the machines made to plant a remote controlled detonation bomb or RCDB for short. After that I found my way back in line.
__After following them for three minutes, and smelling the foul hint of gunfire, and gas leakage from one of the sentinels, I arrived at the main control room, where my negative was there, waiting. I sensed him, and he sensed me. I took a deep breath, for it might be my last. " Ah yes, the negotiator, Commander Micheal Anderson. I've been waiting for you. Sentinels, Leave us," My negative commanded with a stern voice. As always, the sentinels did as commanded. "If your going to kill me, do it already. I'm sick and tired of waiting to die!" I yelled to him, very angerly. He smiled, reached for a saber-spear, and launched it strait for me. He didn't know how powerful I was, so I just stood there. Next thing I felt was the spear penetrate my rib cage. It barely hurt. He chuckled until he sensed I had no pain. My eyes where closed while a smile creeped onto my face. I pulled the saber-spear out, and tossed it to my side and said", I've become more powerful than you can ever imagine." And with that, I rose into the air, held my arms out in a cross shape, and a purple light, radiated off me as I rose. "You don't know, who you are messing with."
Chapter 8: Michael's True Power
__My eyes started to turn to a blood red color, like instead of my big brown eyes, they where red. " You wished you would kill someone, after being thrown out from the 501st. Now, you can kill someone on your skill level. Well, that is if you can kill me," I said with a slight laugh. He looked sell shocked at fist, but after gathering his courage, he jumped five stories to hit the ground, and creating a massive crater on the earths surface. He ran towards me, activating his saber-sword, and jumped ten feet in the air. I activated mine as quickly as I could, and as he was three feet form me, still in the air, time seemed to stop. He had both his arms, clutching his weapon, and his arms where over his head, as if he were chopping a log with an axe. I had my saber-sword drawn behind me, pointing toward the shiny, slick, metal ground. My eyes still blood red with hate, and rage. Both combined give me my dark power. Time seemed to start up again, him heading toward me, and my saber-sword, cutting through the air, its destination was in front of me to block.
__All went according to plan, I blocked, but he pulls away, and tries to strike again, only to my side. I blocked again, only this time I pushed his weapon off mine. it was my turn to strike. If I keep on striking at his side or something, I stab. I tried all kinds of attacks, from stabbing to jumping, and stabbing downwards. After lots of attacks, he kicks me back, holds out his arm as if he where looking at the time. Instead he hit a button, and coming from a hole in the roof, come a Sky Stick, a hover board almost like a skateboard. He jumps on it and says", If you want to finish this fight, you follow me, or else people in the city, will die." I had no choice, I called my hover board as he took of, I went right after him.
Chapter 9: Race Against Time
__I was in a violent chase with my negative, and I knew Mark and Jennet were taking care of the CIS in the sky. The war factory has been around for so long I can't believe it's still operational. I concentrated my power into electricity. Knowing what he was going to do, I had to push my glider to full power in order to catch up with him. I pulled up beside him and yelled ", Stop the glider!" He didn't listen, instead he hover toward me as if he were trying to ram me. I thought quick. I did a side flip over his head, and my Sky Stick follower under his. I landed right on it. He attempted to hit me off the hover board, but he missed. He plans to drive strait into Haven City, my birth place, plant a nuclear bomb, run, and destroy my only home.
__Right now it's only a matter of time. We were hovering above the birth place of the Dark Progenator. "You can't do this! Destroying Haven City will destroy this planet!" I yelled. He turned his head quickly, grinned and said ", This world will come to an end any way. Why not now?" I hit him with a 'Dark Strike'. The Dark Strike is a powerful beam of my power. I'm the only one of my kind who has the power of electricity. Anyway, I hit him, and he tumbled toward Haven City. I did a front flip off my Sky Stick, and tumbled right after him. As we were falling, I remembered Jennet, and how much she needs me. That is why I can't risk dying. Not now. Not ever.
Chapter 10: The Fall of a Dark Force
__As we were tumbling toward the only, human on the plant, I noticed how beautiful the enormous city looked. The silence was pierced by my watch saying in a woman computer voice", Ten seconds till impact." I took a deep breath, because it might be my last. Finally, what seemed like forever, We, my negative and I, hit the strong, titanium, ground. From the impact, we made a five feet deep, twenty feet from my end to his, was a crater. I hopped up as quick as I could. He pulled his feet up, his hands on the ground, and his back facing me, he pushed up with his feet, and hands, landed on his feet, and stared at me. " Today will end with one of us fallen. I have noting to live for, but my army, and my life," he said as he stood ", But on the other hand. You do. You have your girlfriend, your friends, your life, the life of this city, and your army. That is a lot to fight for, exspecally from my point of view. With that, ask yourself this, must I die, or you die. I think I know the answer." he said, his arms out, making the shape of a cross with his body, and turning around. "You know what you must do, Micheal. Kill me."
__Heading his last request, I summoned all my strength, formed an electric ball of concentrated Dark Eco, and used one of my hands to reach out, and let the dark energy flow from my hand. After thirty seconds, I pulled my hand away, stopping the electricity. He vanished, as if I were firing at air alone. I felt as if I had doomed the world, but then, I felt as if I put this city, and the factory above at peace. That night, the 501st got together in the main hanger of the control base, and celebrated. I went up on stage to preform a speach. " Atention, atention. We are all here becase we survived this war. This war was like a test, atest to prove you survival techniques, and to see how well we could follow orders. As we all celabrate, remember the live that were taken to defend Haven City, and protect the people who live in it. Remember the sacrifices we all made for each othe, like one of the bravest soilders, I have ever seen. He cleared the entrace to the war factory, so that I was allowed inside. Let us hear, from my good friend, Mark Patnaude," I spoke with a thunderous aplause afterwards.
__Mark went up on stage to speek, as Jenth came to me and said", Good job. You defeated your negative, and brought peace to the city." With a little laugh, I put my hand gentely on her shoulder and said", let us not forget, that this army, Mark, and the love of my life, helped me along." She hugged me, tighter than she usually did, and I hugged he back. Then, for being the "hero" that I was, that hug was followed by a kiss. Mark was walking off stage, another roaring aplause followed. She let go of me just as Mark was walking up to us. "Well this war semms to be over," Mark said with a big grin. "No," I said, they both looked at me strangly. I returned the look to both of them and finally said ", Oh, this war is not over yet. It has only just began."
_____________________The End

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