Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Dark Progenator II: The Dark Angel

Chapter 1: Gathering of the Immortals
__"I don't know if we should allow Micheal to figure out the origin of the dark eco he possesses, not after what we saw Carnage do. The boy needs time. We shall tell him soon," an oracle said. The oracles were gathered for a meeting and will discuss what to do with the future. Armageddon was not supposed to happen the first ultimate battle between Micheal and Carnage, so the oracle that guided Micheal was to decide what will become of the boys future. The oracle continued ", I've watched over this boy and i believe this one is the Dark Progenator we're looking for. He has proved worthy and he has mastered skill the other learned when they were at age 20." An elder oracle put his input in ", Well yes. He has proven his skills. But I don't see why you think he is the one! After all, he is reckless, and Carnage already figured out what his true weakness is! He put himself and others around him in danger, and I will not have that!" The oracle was a little embarrassed and walked out.
__Meanwhile. In the sewers of Haven City an evil was awaken. Carnage recovered by commanding the sentinels to create a cybernetic body for him if something in his master plan went wrong. carnage's new appearance was frightening at first glance. His head was covered with patches of shrapmetal, and he had a targeting camera on the upper right side of his head. his entire body, except for half of his legs and half of his left arm, was replaced with metal coated with titanium, making it indestructible. His right hand was a huge crab like hand, only with fingers instead of claws. His right leg from the knee down was similar to his massive hand. his heart was covered with a circular thermal projector making an indestructible shield over his heart. He had simple objectives. First, enialate the 501st, then kidnap Michaela and hold her for ransom, or challenge Micheal to face him. Third, kill Micheal and Michaela. If Mark gets in his way like he did last time he would kill him as well. He has his plan, now all he has to do is wait for the perfect time to strike. Finally he would have his revenge on the 501st and will take over Haven City. Soon Micheal will finally see Carnage as a threat. He laughed at this thought. Carnage knows if the oracle interferes with his plan, he will surely fail, but he has to try.
Chapter 2: Micheal and Michaela return to the 501st base
__"Almost there. I enjoyed our little weak together. Didn't you?" I said then paused. No response. I looked at the passenger side of the BMW and Michaela was sleeping. I gave a little grin and kept driving. It was only a week since I fought Carnage and I still remember it as if it were yesterday. I still can't believe he's still alive. I'm finally five feet five inches, and i have dark brown hair and medium blue eyes. I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt with a black ,unzipped jacket over it. Michaela usually wears jeans with a long sleeve shirt and a short jean-like jacket over it. We have matching cross necklaces and I have a 501st dog tag around my neck. Mark is four foot ten inches and wears jeans a t-shirt and a watch. We all have about the same kind of NIKE shoes. For protection I have a lot of gun holsters under my jacket, and Mark has only four. Two on his belt and two on separate legs. The only protection Michaela has is me and Mark.
__We arrived at HQ and Mark was outside waiting for us. He was messing with a concussion bomb. He was always good at mechanics, but he saw me and looked up then back at the bomb. I got out, Michaela still in the car ",Careful. don't want you to look like Carnage now." He smirked still looking at the bits and pieces of the little explosive. He gasps and mumbles ", Ah ha!" He picks up a small glass ball with a liquid in it and tossed it to me. I didn't bother catching it so I held out my hand, and with my power I had it levitating in mid air. I brought it closer as Mark said ", That's the part of the bomb that creates the seismic charge and explodes! Pretty cool huh?" I looked at it closely, grinned and hurled it off the cliff. The 501st HQ was on a cliff and was actually inside the cliff too. Five seconds went by until we heard the explosion, and obviously Michaela heard it too cause she jumped and yelled ", What the hell was that!?" Me and Mark laughed and i said ", It was nothing. Come on, we gotta go see what General Asshole wants. whatever it is it ain't good." She got out of the car and we all went inside HQ to see what mission or objective the general had in store for us.
Chapter 3: An Assignment to a terrible Reunion
__Me and Michaela entered first holding hands and my other hand was in my jacket pocket. Hers was in her pants pocket and her thumb was sticking out. We entered a dark hallway and the only light was in the floor vents on the ground next to the wall. The gas effect with the light blue light shining was pretty cool to me, but we stopped at a four-way intersection and turned left. We then entered a small, slightly more illuminated room with a holographic generator in the middle of the room showing the battleground, Haven City. The General looked up, and it was odd because he didn't yell, call me a name, nothing. He fixed his gaze on all three of us standing side by side and said ", Hello Micheal, Michaela, Mark. I have a rather difficult assignment for you." I interrupted ", General, you know we can handle anything and...." He cut in ", No. It's not like that. It's not physical strength, but emotional. Our intelligence has found the location of....Carnage. His new appearance is a little shocking." I felt my dark side slowly creeping up from the darkest part of my soul. I slammed my fist on the generator making a large dent in it and my dark eco infected side came out for five seconds. My dark side had light purple/gray skin, black hair, pitch black eyes, and a few purple electric volts firing out to machinery half way across the room. As I was him I screamed ", GOD DAMN IT!!! Why!? Why did he have to show his face around here again!?" Michaela put her arm around me, calming me down. When I had control over myself I said softly ", Michaela. I want you to stay here while me and Mark go. I don't want you to get hurt again. You matter to me too much." She smiled, looking up at me, and whispered ", I know. I will. You don't have to worry about me." I replied ", I hope not."
__"The General filled us in on the rest of the assignment. Me and Mark got in the BMW, and I looked at the front door of HQ, and Michaela wave us bye. I waved back, and we took off. We went down the canyon highway toward the back entrance to Haven City. We hit the 'Welcome to Haven City' sign and I stopped the car. "Mark, let's get out. We can't bring the BMW into the city. We have to use the Jet Boards." The Jet Board were a modified version of the SkyStick. Mark nodded. We got on and soared toward the War Factory. We felt the wind moving threw our hair, and I thought it would be fun to do tricks on our way. I tapped him on the shoulder, I didn't bother talking because he probably wouldn't hear me anyway, but I did a trick and nodded. He understood, and we did a series of tricks, then before we knew it we were on the surface of the war factory. We put the Jet Boards up and headed inside a tall, metal tower. We saw a CIS robot on the balcony about twenty feet off the ground. Mark pulled out the Blaster Rifle, a rifle with a armor piecing round hot enough to melt precursor metal. I held my hand up ordering him not to fire, and the robot turned toward us, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was Carnage. He look at us and his voice was a mix of his actual voice and a computer voice, and he said ", Looks like my little friend have come over to play! Well let me tell you something, I'm nearly indestructible now! I will succeed in killing you like I planned the last time. If it weren't for you two, I would have killed Michaela, and eventually you too Micheal! Oh well, the precursors have given me another chance to finish my job." I was angry and said ", No because if they gave you another chance, I wouldn't be here because you know I'll beat you, just like I did last time." He have a big laugh and said ",Oh no. That's were your wrong! I will win this time. Just remember why we're here. The Man of Light is coming soon, and if he joins the CIS your precious world will crumble right under neath your feet." I felt sick at that moment, like I was going to through up. I fell to my knees, exhaling heavily, and Mark stepped back. Carnage's smile grew into a angry frown. I yelled and my dark side came out once more, and I stood up. Mark pull out the Blaster rifle again and said ", Alright! It's on!" Carnage hit a button on a control panel and 100 CIS Robots came out and surrounded me and Mark and Carnage said ", This time, you die!" We were ready for a fight, we just waited to see who would strike first.
Chapter 4: Pushing Dark Eco to its Limits
__Mark was too cautious, and sometimes that's a good thing but if Carnage figures out how jumpy Mark can get, he will use that against him. I remained slightly crouched with my guard at full potential, and with me as my dark side, I was twice as dangerous. I was given several dark powers when I was granted my unique gift. My first power was what I called a Dark Bomb, it's were I harness a large amount of kinetic energy, jump up high in the air, come down and connect my fist with the ground, and a large ring of purple light spreads about twenty feet from my planted position. From my progressing strength, the Dark Bomb will destroy anything caught within the ring. A second power is called Dark Strike, which is were I create a ball of dark electricity with both my hands around it, to make sure it's contained, and open both hands aimed at a target and a continuous blast of dark electricity will be created, until I release it. I felt we have waited long enough, so I turned to Mark, nodded my head, and he knew what I was thinking. I was going to do the Dark Bomb. He jumped and grabbed a bar hanging from the balcony, and pulled himself up onto the balcony. Then he gave the thumbs up saying go ahead. I did something different this time. I ran to the wall, jumped on it, then i positioned myself so that I did a back flip off the wall, and connected my fist with the ground. The blast was so powerful, Mark nearly fell off the balcony. All the robots were gone, and it was me, Mark, and Carnage.
__Carnage growled and yelled ", Not this time! You wont take me in! Not now, not ever!" He turned to the window overlooking the city and jumped threw it. I was quickest to respond. I ran and with the momentum and the power, I heaved myself onto the balcony's railing, and pushed myself off the railing, out the window. As me and Carnage plunged our way down to the city streets, Mark looked down from the broken window, exhaled heavily and commented ", God that boy has guts!" He ran to the tower exit and jumped on his Jet Board and joined the chase. As I fell right behind him, I thought ", Don't lose him Micheal! Don't lose him, you have to get back at him after what happened in the construction area a few weeks ago." I straitened my body so that I could cut threw the air like a knife threw butter. I did so, and I came inches from him. Mark yelled from fifty feet above me ", Do it Micheal!" I did as such, I harnessed enough energy to preform the Dark Strike , and I wasn't going to pass up this moment. I made the ball, and right before I was going to strike him I heard the oracle's voice saying ", Light will balance out the dark in you, Micheal. You are, and were a legend. You are the....." He was cut off by Mark yelling ", Come on! What are you waiting for!? Do it!" I gave it all hell, and heaved the ball of energy in Carnage's direction. As the dark electricity hit his metal spine, I heard a crack, like a glass plate being cracked in half, but not loud. I also heard Carnage mumble ", SHIT!" I figured I broke something important. He turned to face me, and I saw it. I broke the red glass protecting his heart. I heard his say softly ", Come on. Show me if you can take a life." I was ready to do it again when I heard Michaela's thoughts clouding my mind. "NO! If your dark side takes Carnage's life that thing you saw on the plane will a rise again!" The I stopped. Carnage mumbled ", Thought not." He hit a button on his wrist and an old Jet Board came, and slide underneath him. I recognized it. it was the same jet board that he had when we fought in the construction site weeks ago. He flew back to the war factory, and as we passed one another it the air, he gave me an evil grin, and I showed my clenched teeth, and raven eyes. I suddenly blacked out, and the next thing I knew, I was in my room sitting next to Michaela and Mark on my bed. I held out my arms to Michaela, and she squeezed me tight. I looked at Mark, and he grinned. I grinned back and look down at the most beautiful gift god has given me, Michaela.
Chapter 5: Certifying thing with the Oracle
__"Mark, I need you to look into Haven City's past. I have an idea that whatever we're up against, happened before," I informed Mark. He nodded his head and left. My room was filled with artifacts from the past. Michaela went somewhere in Haven City. Something about a..............what was that word? I don't remember. I shook my head, and walked down to the sub-level of HQ to ask the oracle a few questions about my past. I walked down a huge flight of metal stairs, and another of rock, and rubble. I entered a slightly illuminated room, with the ceiling, walls, and floor made of rock. There where rock poles rising from the floor and connecting with the ceiling on the side of the temple-like room. I approached a Precursor Oracle, it look like a body from the mid-chest coming up from the earth. It also had a long beak-like mouth, and made of precursor metal. It never moved, it just sat there like a statue. I approached, and took a bow. In a deep voice the statue said ", Rise. What brings you here dark warrior?" I rose and look at him ", I need to know something, master. Carnage. Why is he still alive?" He paused, and replied ", Threw him, you two create a balance between this world. Without you two, or at least without both, this world would crumble into oblivion." I was curious ", Wait, you said with both. What do you mean? What happens if there is only one of us?" The oracle didn't hesitate ", I mean, the link between you and Carnage is strong. And if there is one of you, This world will die." I argued with him ", What!? Link? What link? What is he?" The oracle pause for a long time, and said softly ", He is you. Your opposite, your negative. Both Dark Eco and Red Eco show the same fate. You must understand, he will always be where you are. When you were granted the dark power, at the same time in California, a boy named Collin was granted Red Eco powers. Soon Collin became evil, and was then called Carnage because he destroyed everything in his path. This world's final trial is coming, but it's fate will be in your hands, or in his. You and him will die, and there is nothing you can do to stop it!" I fell to the ground in shock. I got up and went up the stairs, and he called back to me ", Don't forget. Everything that has a beginning, has an end." I ran up the stairs, back to the main deck. I had to inform Mark and Michaela of what I just discovered. Then I heard a beeping on my belt. I look, and it was a mini map of Haven city. There was a massive sentinel assault heading toward the location of Michaela and Mark. The beep, was an alert sound. I jumped on my Jet Board, and raced toward the library. It was a test to see who would get to them first. Me or the sentinels.
Chapter 6: Micheal receives a new Dark Power
__I was going at the Jet Board's maximum speed of 300 mph. I looked around Haven City from the aerial view I had. I looked frantically, and couldn't see it! I've been to the library more than a hundred times! Where is it! That's when I saw a huge swarm of red lights come from the CIS war factory that seemed like a huge red light. I realized that it was the Sentinel Assault Group. I quickly looked down, and saw the library. I went as fast as I could to it, and I felt the wind threw my hair and against my face. I jumped off the Jet Board on to the library stairs. Mark saw me, and I yelled to the top of my lungs ", Everybody get down! We're under attack! Mark come with me!" I turned to face the swarm of sentinels, and summoned my dark power. The way I summoned it wasn't what normally happened. I levitated in mid air, when usually I'm connected to the ground. I was automatically positioned into a ball in the air, and I felt a chain reaction within me. Mark saw that I was changing fairly odd, and ordered all 501st in the library to fall back. Michaela watched from a study table, worried. As my eyes transformed to pitch black, and my skin, a grayish-purple, I pivoted from the ball into a cross formation. My arms where bent to my side, and my legs where spread out a little bit, still levitating. The chain reaction left from my body, and a humongous sphere of my raw dark power surrounded the library, and destroyed the assault group, but left a forth of them for the solder's. I felt drained, and dropped to my knees, and fell unconscious.
__I woke up on the steps of the library, and saw a baron, destroyed landscape. I looked over at Mark and he asked ", What the hell was that?" I looked puzzled ", What was what?" He pulled out a small monitor, and showed a video of me preforming the unknown dark power, and said ", That. What was that?" I shook my head ", I don't know. I really don't know." The oracle appeared before us. "What you did, was a dark power I gave you call Dark Concussion. It is a little unstable because you just received it," He informed. Then I had a recurrence. I was going to tell Mark and Michaela about mine and Carnage's connection! "Michaela! I have something to tell you! I....." I gathered my thoughts. " Me and Carnage, we......." I couldn't tell her now. That would be too much for her. I looked at the oracle for guidance on how to explain it, but he shook his head, telling me not to tell her. Instead I sighed, looked her in the eye and said ", I love you." She Smiled ", I love you too Micheal. We stood up, and Mark went back into the library. "I have to learn how to control this power. I'll meet you at my room at 5:30, OK?" I asked Michaela, and she nodded. I gazed at the oracle and motioned for him to come with. "Please, inform me on what I don't know," I said to the oracle as we walked down to South Have Forest, untouched by the war. South Have Forest had a lot of old precursor artifacts that could help me. Plus it's the only place I go seeking serenity. The oracle faced me and said ", There is a lot of thing you don't know about yourself that we oracles know about." I looked at him puzzled ", And these things are as such?" He laughed ", Your not ready for that information yet Micheal. You will know before the......uh......end." I looked puzzled still ",End?" He looked like he didn't want to tell me something. Something important. "Like I said, we know thing your not ready for," He replyed.
Chapter 7: Grasping Serinety
__Me and the oracle approched a large metal blast door that was one of the only ways in and out of the city. There was a keypad on the city wall right next to the door, and I typed in my code. Suddenly the door's tumblers shifted, and the door slowly opened. We walked into a small room, and the door shut behind us and the other door, parrallel from the door we just entered, slid open. We stepped into South Haven Forest. I immidiatly felt peace flow threw my body. There was precusor pillars everywere. The lake in the middle of the forest had a large platform in the center of the lake, about two hundred feet high, and stairs circling around the pillar. On the top of the pillar, there is a precusor telescope that all thr residents of Haven City call the Astroveiwer. We spotted another platform, level with the ground, and I walked toward the middle of it. I took a deep breath, and summoned my dark power. The orical said ", Now, clear your thoughts. Think of the how you felt at the library." I did as told. I started to levitate, and I felt the chain reaction again. The oracle went on ", Good. Now wait until your power reaches it's full potential." My anger progressed, and I couldn't hold it. It slowly turned into a rage, and I felt another force inside me. Holding my power in drove me mad, and he finally said ", OK, Releace it!" And I repeated my new dark power.
__I didn't feel drained this time. The oracle came over, and said ", You now have control of the Dark Concussion. There is another kind of power that another oracle will give to you." I looked victorious, my heart was racing like I did something that took me like two hundred trys and I barly acomplished it. I was panting extremly hard. Then I nodded, and looked up so we made eye contact, then exhaled deeply. I took a long, deep breath ", OK. Let's go," then I stopped ", On second though. You go. I think I'll stay in the forest a while." He nodded, and was almost out the door when I yelled to him ", Get Michaela and tell her to meet me here!" He yelled back "Gotchya!" I exhailed again, the made my way to the high tower platform, the resting place of the Astroveiwer.
Haven City -- Southtown Port
__Michaela loved to come to the port for peace, that is if the forest was out of her reach. The port was the only place where the chaos of the war didn't reach. The port was still in one piece after two years, it was a prayer answered. She was sitting on the edge of a metal ledge, her feet hovering three feet above the water. Her head was looking down toward the water at her own reflection, and all she though of is ", Where is my life going? Where does it end? Will I be with Micheal for the rest of my life? Is he thinking of me? Why am I so sad? Why do I stay up later that 12:00 at night, crying? Why can't I tell him how I really feel? Why...." Her thoughts were cut off when her reflection broke with little waves of water. Then she wiped her tears, and looked at the horizon. That usually made her feel better inside. She cracked a smile. Then she saw the oracle coming toward her, but she didn't try to wipe the rest of her tears back. He approched with a ", Michaela. Are you OK? Micheal wants you in Haven Forest. He didn't say why." She looked up and thought ", Was he thinking about me? Does he want to spend time with me? Get up and go find out!" She hopped up, and bolted to South Haven Forest. When she came to the door she entered her code, and went inside. The second door opened, and she walked toward the lake. Micheal was about to hit the first step when he saw her out of the corner of his eye. "Hey, why don't you come to.........are you OK?" She quickly realized she forgot to wipe away the other tear. Micheal lifted out his hand to her ", Come on. Let's talk." She grasped his hand thinking ", Where my prayer's answered? Or was this coincidence?"
Chapter 8: War Zone
__As Carnage looked at a holographic diagram of the forest he thought how easy this would be to take them out, once and for all. Then he saw him hand something to her. A gun? He hit the audio button. "Look, I'll teach you how to fight. You don't have to worry about me. the oracle will give me a regeneration power soon." Carnage grined his teeth, and turned the progector off. He then walked out to the elevator, and headed to the main room, which was fully surounded by glass to overlook all aspects of the city. "Commander, report!" A pilot robot tapped the screen to pull up all speculations of the fight so far. "There is a number of CIS casulties, and a drop in eco power in the defence towers," the machine informed. "Send the sentinels to the mountain and retreive more eco! What's the status on the 501st?" Canage asked. "Mark is leading a secondary assault. At this time a rouge power is leading." Carnage thout a moment. "Rouge? What does that mean?" The pilot tapped on the screen some more, and leaned back ", The rouge energy coming from a life form means the carrier is either really angery, or his eco level is over the limit." Carnage thought the information over ", Name of carrier?" The machine tapped on the screen ", Last name Anderson, first name Micheal." Carnage's arms dropped ", Impossible!" He ran toward the window, and saw a purple radiation. He kept thinkin 'No way, impossible! How can this be?' He kept his cool, then ordered ", Send out the Class 5 Destroyers." The pilot looked shocked for a robot ", But sir, It's a prototype! Untested! you can't--" Carnage shot a look, and yelled "You have no idea what this boy is capable of! Send out the Class 5 Destroyers, NOW!" The machine tapped in a code on the screen, and a loud hiss rang out, then a loud thud. He smiled an evil smile and said "Let's see what he can do against these!"
__I ran for an obliterated car, hopped up on the hood, the the roof, and jumped as high as I could propelling myself forward with both hands over my head, and on the sword, which was pointing up in a stabbing position. I came down on an ocupied sentiel, peircing the machine from the top end down. I yanked it out and sliced it horizontally. Then I tossed it in the air, did half of a front flip so I landed on my hands, caught the sword by my foot, and twisted my body and moved my legs so I cut sentinel by sentinel. I saw one going for Michaela, so I simaltaniously pushed off the ground, twisted violently, and the sword flew peircing the machine. When I pushed off, I did it backwards so I landed on his feet. Crouched on the ground the way I was gave me somewhat of an advantage. I slowly stood up, peering to my left, then my right. Then a sound rung out which sounded like an atomatic metal door opened. But this was loud enough for everyone to hear it over the gunfire, and machines. One sentinel stopped, held out a tentical, and a small satilite dish came out of it. It then put it away and all sentinels flew toward the war factory. Me and Mark exchanged looks saying ',This doesn't look good'. I examined the floating factory for whatever that was. Then my eyes came across a blackhole in the factory's side. Then what apeared to be a man falling from the hole apeared. But one of my natural abilities is that I can sense life coming from an object, and this was lifeless. The man came crashing down like a weight through water, creating a minimal creater. I saw machine, nothing I've ever seen before. It was at least six to six and a half feet tall, had red and silver body armor. It also had a chest plate, and swords coming from it's wrists. This thing looks as if it was designed for combat, more than likly to eliminate me.
Chapter 8: Metahuman vs Machine
__I got into my fighting possition, while the machine was alrealy in its. I was a little tense not knowing what this thing's weakness is. And being a medahuman, which is someone who was born human but due to either a chemical radiation or certain biological changes, you weilded powers that only you could control. Being a medahuman also allows you to blend in with the people around you, or you have your human side, and the side that of which contains your powers. I remain on my guard, protecting myself from any attacks the robot might try to force apon me. It took the first swing, more or less an uppercut. I flexed my spine back to dodge the blade, and flexed it back and noticed a red light on it's chest, just like Carnage. I pulled out my sword, but the destroyer kicked it out of my hand. As my blade glided through the air, and came down peircing the ground just in front of Michaela's face, because she was lying on the ground. I felt so enraged, I ran to retrive the sword, pushed off the ground landing in front of the machine, and drew back my arm, and heaved it forward, giving the right amount of momentem, went starit through the desrtoyer right were the light was. I ripped it from the robot, and it stumbled back, gripping it's chest. It slowly looked up, and bursted into flames. I exhaled deeply, uttering ", Well, a new machine has the weakness of it's creator" I turned to the 501st "These new machines are easliy ruptive at the heart. That is were you have to aim with your holo pionts. Anything else but the heart, is your ass! Got it!?" I heard a very autible "YES SIR!!" over the moving of machines. I yelled back ", Good, because we have a lot of company!"
__I was filled with frustration and fear. I knew most of us wouldn't survive this, but one rule in war is there is no such thing as fair.

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