Friday, March 14, 2008

The Dark Progenator: A Dark Past

Chapter 1: Finally Getting Things Strait
__May 23, 2000. My fifth birthday, I made a disobeying choice to go to the park, into the dark woods. I did and somewhat don't regret it. A Dark Eco facility lied right on the far end of the woods, and nobody noticed! My curiosity could have been the end of me, but I was a special kid. I was a Dark Eco Inhibitor, and I couldn't get rid of it. Three years later, age eight, I met a lot of friend, but I couldn't get too frustrated because my dark eco abilities are activated by a key human emotion, anger. My dark form could be activated out of any other humans sights, away from society. One person I met was a girl, Michaela, she found out my dark secret, and she never told. The day she found out, I had to explain a lot, and only at age eight, I had a large vocabulary. "So you could have stopped this from happening, right," She said with a very confused tone. "No. Not really. My life was decided at that moment, and I sometimes regret that decision, but then again my abilities set me free from a normal life style." We both exchanged glances, then I walked her home.
__In the forth graded a new student, Mark, joined the class with me and Michaela, and we three have been best friends ever since. One day Mark asked," How come yours and Michaela's emotional bond is so strong?" I laughed a little, and turned toward him and said ," Can you keep a life and death secret?" He looked at me funny and replied", Sure, why. Are you going to get killed if I tell?!" I laughed and assured him ", No, no, no. Look, here a little part of that secret. You see my belt, how one side dips down further than any other." He nodded ", With your hand grab the belt." He reach for it slowly. His hand was stopped by something, but nothing was there. He felt around the area he touched, and grabbed an invisible staff like object and pulled it up a bit. What he grabbed, was an actual, light weight, acid edged titanium sword.
__Today Mark is a second in command to me, and a recruiting officer. Occasionally he'll recruit some new soldiers for the 501st, my squadron is an army of fifteen squadrons. But the rest of his time on the battlefield is spent fighting beside me. I still live a normal life fifty percent of the time. I live a difficult life, and sometimes it's hard to escape. I found a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, so I made a hidden city there. I named it after the formed Dark Progenator, Haven Isturbed, the city is called Haven, Haven City, and I am ruler.
Chapter 2: Haven City-Present Day
__"Mark! Look out for those sentinels" I commanded. Me and Mark where flying on our SkySticks, a kind of hovering skateboard, only wheel less and smooth, titanium board. Haven City was once a peaceful city everything worded in the balance, until a rebellion, more of an outcast, rose up from the Wasteland, a lifeless desert outside of Haven's security walls. This rebellion is known as Carnage, or my negative. He has my same powers, just he's not strong enough. Now Haven City has become a battleground, 501st HQ on the north side of town, and Carnage and his army, the CIS have a War Factory hover in mid-air, roughly a thousand feet. Me and Mark Ride side by side all the time. "Copy that. Hey how are you and Michaela doing?" Focused on the series of sentinels coming our way I barley heard him. "She's fine, she's at HQ until I can take down that god forsaken war factory," I said with a little hate.
__These days I try to not use a lot of my hate unless I really need it. "Here they come. Pull up, Pull up. Too late use a weapon,"I said, then Mark responded", Which one?" I immediately yelled", Anyone!" He chose a thermal detonator, and I chose my favorite, an acid-edged bade, Frick, the strongest substance in the galaxy, black griped, sword. As Mark threw the bomb, I drew back my sword ready to strike the first sentinel that came near me. " SEIZE FIRE! That's an order!" an angered voice yelled from the floating factory. Suddenly all sentinels stopped, and I used a mind power I had, I could use mt hand and stop objects, lift them, pull, push, or hurl object at any thing. Like the force from Star Wars, only I stopped the bomb Mark threw.
__The angry voice belonged to Carnage, he had a gray tint of skin, black hair like mine, a red Iris in his eyes, and all of his teeth are razor sharp. "Well, well, well. The hero boy finally came to search for his missing feelings," he said, and my eyes flashed black, not just the iris, but the entire eye. "A little angry are we? Ha ha ha, kill him," he demanded, and suddenly the sentinels surrounded Mark and I. Mark rode the bomb, as to throw it, but I shot him a gaze and he lowered it. He knew I had a plan. He looked behind me, in my hand lied a concussion grenade. He looked at my face, and smiled. He rose to an altitude of 100 feet, and I threw the concussion grenade toward the ground as all sentinels pile on top of me. The earth below me shook and all I saw was scrap metal fly everywhere. Silence, then Carnage broke it. "Very well, now let's see what you can do against your own strength. Dark Eco!" I rose to the war factory, jumped off the SkyStick, right in front of him. My sword already drawn, he drew his, and the fight was on.
Chapter 3: First Step of Armageddon
__History says that Armageddon is the final battle between good and evil, and this war will accomplish the old prophecy. There is a modern day song called I'm Alive by Disturbed, and one of the line read: The thing I treasure in life, cannot be taken away............I will make the greatest sacrifice, you can't predict where the outcome lies. I was chosen to make sure Armageddon happened. As Carnage and I struck each others swords, Michaela's thoughts where linked some how. "Don't give up. You can do it," her voice echoed in my head. "I can't. I love you too much, too damn much. I can't," my voice echoed back," I'll sacrifice myself for you, but you're just too much to lose. I'd die for you, but I can't lose you." Soft silence, then her loving voice echoed back", You have the will power, but if you don't, all hope for humanity, is lost."
__Time stopped right there. I knew I Had to make a huge sacrifice, and all the time I wanted to leave my destiny behind me, and have a decent life with Michaela. Reality is too harsh, but I have always stared death in the face and laughed, that was not ever going to stop, not now, not ever.
Chapter 4: 501st HQ-Seeing the fight of two Dark Carriers
__Michaela watch with fear in her heart. To see Micheal put his life on the line for thousands of people including her, was too much to see. With each strike of both swords, all she could do was look up with her beautiful brown eyes. Memories started to flash in he head, memories of her and Micheal on the beach with the wind moving through her long brown hair, picking it up in such a graceful way. One time, way before the war, Micheal took Michaela for a ride on the SkyStick, and her beautiful radiant looking skin in the sunset light, blinded Micheal with the love of each other. But memories are memories.
__She always remembered when Micheal street raced in North Carolina, U.S. Back then and now he owns a BMW M3 GTR, Dodge Viper SRT 10, Corvette C6, Lamborghini Gallardo, Toyota Supra, Mazda RX-8, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII, and Lotus Elise. But his most prized was his BMW M3 GTR, it was silver, with a spoiler that lifted 3 feet off the trunk. How he would roll down both front seat windows, and watch her long beautiful, flawless hair wave in the wind. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her. Blinded by beauty, he would drive up to a beach at sun set, and they would both sit there and watch the sun go down and hold hands.
__The really crappy part was that she had to come back to reality. She saw Mark was wearing off all sentinels that came at him. Then she fixed her gaze on Micheal, she could see that the dark side of him was coming with each passing moment. He kicked Carnage ten feet away from him, quickly took a concussion grenade from his belt, and hurled it toward the ground between him and Carnage. A huge blur covered the area where they had been standing. Concussion grenades are very powerful, just ten of them could take out a city block. Micheal himself owned a concussion power, strong enough to be confused with a nuclear bomb. But all she could do, was cross her fingers and hope for a miracle.
Chapter 5: Fight from the front lines
__The concussion blast made both me and Carnage fly in two different directions. He flew in a direction that made a war factory security tower fall over top of him, but he would recover soon. I didn't know where I was, and all of a sudden I blacked out. But I could still hear some thing. "You failure. Your so weak, without me you wouldn't be living. That concussion bomb should have killed you, guess your dark side care more about life than"
__"Micheal, can you hear me? Micheal, it's me Michaela. Micheal, if you can hear me, your in the hospital. Mark and I'll be right outside if you need us. Wake up soon," Michaela said about to walk off until I made a small grunting sound. "I, I'm, awa...awake. don't, don't lea...leave me," I struggled to get the words out of my mouth. She ran to hug me, then called Mark in. I couldn't open my eyes, but I could sense them both. "Think you need a break, maybe go back to North Carolina. Just to get away," Mark said fully serious. "N....o. No, I ca...can't. All I ne.....need, is some" Michaela responded before Mark could ", Are you sure? I mean, your beat up pretty bad. Thrownig that bomb wasn't your smartest decision. Your lucky to be alive."
__We three spent some time together taking. My consciousness came to me soon in between that time. That afternoon I was released from the hospital. I fell asleep in the car on the way to HQ. "Living is a gift, use it wisely, one day I need to let you die. It's a good thing that the day won't come soon," my dark side said within my subconscious. " Wake up, we're here," Michaela said lovingly, shaking me. HQ was a mid sized skyscraper with a high security system. Gun turrets placed at the entrance, laser lights in the windows to tell if the glass was damaged, and what came through. The entire 501st squadron was waiting to hear how I was feeling. They needed me for this war, and everybody knew that this war, will not end soon.
Chapter 6: Past Visions
__When i first received my powers, sure I was young but I wasn't naive. I was in forth grade when an incident happened that changed Mark's, Michaela's, and my life. As always me and Mark where together, and Michaela wondered off somewhere. We went outside to play at the end of the day, and a disturbing vision hit me. Michaela would curiously walk into a bus with nobody in it, the door would shut behind her and the bus would catch on fire! I frantically looked around for Michaela, but I couldn't see her. I quickly turned to Mark and panicked", Where's Michaela? I think she may be in trouble!" We both looked around when my eyes met a deserted bus on the horizon. Oh no, please god no. Don't let this happen, I thought when I saw Michaela enter the bus, and as foreseen, the door closed behind her.
__I darted as fast as I could toward the bus hoping I could get her out in time. Mark followed after me, feeling something was wrong. We caught up to the bus, but nothing happened yet, yet. I banged on the emergency exit on the back of the bus to get her attention, and it worked. "What are you doing? You need to get out of there now," I yelled in such a panicked voice. All of a sudden a light bulb on the buss busted, then another, sparks from the bulbs flew everywhere. Since the bus was very dusty, the sparks made the bus a death trap. As sparks flew dust caught on fire, fear shot across all our faces, and a tear down her face. In fear, and as an instinct, my dark side harnessed enough power and strength for me to shatter the extra tough Plexiglas windows. She and Mark jumped, but I was blinded by hate, fear, and love. I jumped into the hole in the door, and as I rose beside Michaela I motioned her out of the bus, and she ran and slid through the small hole in the Plexiglas. I ran after her as half the bus caught on fire, but my passage was blocked by flaming shrapnel metal that fell from the roof of the bus.
__As the metal heap fell, another vision hit me. I saw the metal that just fell puncture the gas tank. The bus was going to explode, with me in it. Apparently the cops saw the smoke because ten police units arrived on scene. I ran to the front of the bus toward the main door, busted two windows, grabbed the middle bar, put both feet on the wall, and pulled as hard as I could. Everyone ran to the front of the bus to see what I would do next. Mark and Michaela kept yelling", Come on Micheal, you can do it, pull." I felt every muscle in my body pull and rip at the door, I felt it dent inward, but I let go and fell back. i sat lifeless staring at the door, then I balled up and started crying. Michaela hear me and said softly ", I have faith in you. you can do it. I love you. I'm out here, and your in there, I need you." She said it all right there, I lifted my head up and rose. I harnessed enough energy for a concussion blast, a concentrated level of power, enough to blow the door down. I looked forward, aimed, warned everyone to get back, and fired. I was right, I blew the door down, but heard a high pitched whistle from the fuel tank, then fire covered the entire field.
Chapter 7 : Unexpected encounter with hell
__I felt as if the weight of the world was on my shoulder, so I took Mark's early advice and took a vacation. I packed the essentials: clothes, car keys, weapons, and my dark spear. I said goodbye to all, except Michaela, she came with me. We arrived at the airport, as always me and Michaela could walk right through security, but today was different. They hired a new security guard and he knew noting of my past, nor future. "Excuse me, sir? You can't just walk through security like that. I need some identification," he ordered, amused I reached for my pocket, but rocketed my fist toward his chest. He hit the ground instantly, but before he had time to get up I drew my sword and allowed the tip to find its way toward the guards face.
__Stunned he said ", I'm sorry Commander, and Dark Progenator," as he rose",move along." I put the sword away and walked toward our flight. Michaela finally asked as we walked onto the plane", Why did you have to do that? He was a new security guard and didn't know you where an important figure of authority!" I sighed and explained that I wasn't in control, and my dark side knew better so he couldn't have been behind it. So who took control? When we got on the plane Michaela told me to get some rest and try to figure out what just happened back there. I did so, I closed my eyes, and my dark side tried to help me get a visual picture of what this thing looked like, just in case it took control over more than my actions. He said it looked more evil than Carnage, it had a set of dangerously sharp teeth, always looked as if were smiling, and had a pitch black skin color, and its eyes were white and looked like a cracked ovule.
__The entire plane ride I had terrible dreams about that thing. I was in the dark eco factory again, just like when I was five. I heard whispers as if a crowd of people where whispering in my ear, then a really high pitched roar. I turned to look that monster in the eyes, then I woke up sweat pouring down my face. Michaela held me and whispered", It's okay, I'm here. Are you okay, what was it?" I explained it to her, what it looked like, what might happen. She looked terrified. We both sat in silence, she leaned her head on my shoulder and I leaned my head on her head. we sat in that position until the plane landed. we left the airport in a waiting taxi. We tried not to think of what was lying dormant in my subconscious. The taxi dropped us off by my old safehouse, the place I stored all my cars. I drew my gun, not knowing what waited for us. I lifted the garage door fast, put the gun away, and found a huge car covering over a car. I reached for it slowly as if the world were watching me. I took in off to find my most prized possession, the BMW M3 GTR. I jumped in and so did Michaela. I slammed on the gas and propelled out the garage. I glanced at the NOS witch, NOS is a brand of Nitrous Oxide, a boost for a car. I glanced at Michaela and she smiled that angel smile, the one when sunlight is glistening off her skin. I looked back at the NOS switch and hit it, propelling down the road at 257 miles per hour.
Chapter 8: 5-1-0 Pursuit
__I zoomed past everything, even a cop waiting in an ally. I saw and heard sirens, Michaela looked worried. "Pull over, maybe they'll let us off easy," she requested. But I had a better idea. I saw a sharp turn ahead and so did she. She saw the look in my eyes, and knew that I was going to drift to evade the cops. I drifted, but didn't get the cop off my tail, he drifted too. I looked in the the rear view mirror, and say a police Corvette C6. I recognized it immediately, it was Sergent Cross, the best driver in the state. He recognized me because he called my phone. " Your back? Ha, what an unexpected surprise. You helped us flush out all fifteen blacklist racers, and you skipped town. Why? I'll finally take your proposal, if you give yourself up. What's it gonna be?" He hung up. Michaela looked at me ", What are you going to do?" I thought for a moment, and smiled. " I'm gonna do what I do best, race! If I take a few sharp turns I may just loose him." I activated the GPS in the car " Directions to the docks," I commanded. A little arrow pooped up on the screen. The docks where full of daring obstacles. " We'll lose him in the docks, just hold on. This is gonna be a lot of sharp turns." She put on the chair's harness strap and so did I.
__I had a CB radio in the car so I can tell what the cops are planing. " Spike strips are just a few miles down the road," a static voice said on the other end. I saw the spikes and hit the NOS, swerved to one end of the road, and whipped the car to the other side into a narrow ally. Cross didn't follow, but I kept going. " That was close. I've got an idea." I reached for the microphone to the CB radio and said ", Suspect lost, can I get all units to search west side of town, mainly the docks." They would spend all day in the docks, and it gave me the advantage because I was heading for the northeast side of town, also known as Down Town Rockport. I had to go to Camden Beach, Michaela's favorite place to go at sunset, but I couldn't tell her. "So where are we going," she asked. We where about to pull up to the exit when I pulled out a blindfold and told her to put it on. I pulled up to the beach, got out and ran to her side of the car, opened the door, and helped her out. I took her up to the shore line and calmly said ", Ready? One, two, three." I took it off, and she was overwhelmed. " Oh Micheal, you didn't have to do this. It's so, beautiful." I stared at her as the sun radiated off her skin and the wind moved her long, beautiful, brown hair, her eyes glistened with the waves. I replied ", But not as beautiful as you are." She turned to me and smiled, and we sat together to watch the sun set, acting like nothing can ruen the moment. We held hand, not a care in the world. she looked at the horizon as I looked at her. She caught me staring at her, but I didn't care, for we loved eachother deeply. She got up and sat by me, put her head on my shoulder, and I put my head on her head, and we both looked out to the horizon.
Chapter 9: The Battlefeild - Haven City
__As Micheal and Michaela where in Rockport Mark was still in Haven City. " Mark. We need you to go into the warfactory, and damage anything you can find. Enough to stall sential, droidika, or any other forms of michanical making. Oh, be sure to destroy all repairbots in the prossess," said General Masters. Mark took the order, and looked for someone to raid with. There, he spotted Recruit Martinez, a well trained soilder, very eficiant with guns. " Hey, Martinez, or do you want to be called Seth," asked Mark. Seth looked at Mark funny ", Are you talking to me, sir?" Mark chuckled ", No, I'm talking to the weapon rack behind you, of corse I'm talking to you. How do you feel about raiding the war factory?" Seth laugh a bit. " What do I say? I say hell yeah. I'm all for it, just tell me when we're gonna take off." Mark looked at his whatch ", We may leave here very soon. Get your things ready."
__Moments later they got on a shuttle to the war factory. Mark looked serious loading his gun, and packing the thermal detinators. Seth watched him, then looked at his belt, his line of vision went toward Mark's sword, identical to mine. Seth stared in awe, and Mark caught him. " Like it? It's one hundred percent titanium, light wheight, stainless steel, acid edged, leather handle grip sword developed by Micheal Anderson, a.k.a the Dark Progenator himself. All great wariors earn one. If you could stop by docking bay 94, I could teach you how to use a sword," Mark gloated. Showing off his sword was one of the many tings he was good at. Seth replied ", Docking bay 94, I've never been down there. What's it like?" Mark smiled ", No one has been to docking bay 94 because it's a sword practice area. Me and Micheal go down there to practice every day. It's a little challenging arena-like format, but I think once you master it, you'll be exallent in any condition." Seth paused ", Do you think Micheal will mind?" "Mind? Ha, he literally left it open for anyone to practice, what do you say? Think you can handdle it?"
__Seth smiled and that told Mark he was willing to do it. Mark doesn't play jokes on people, he's like me just staring in disapointment at the one whom pulled the joke. They had it planned as they were rising to a level point to the war factory. The transport door fleww open as Mark and Seth plus a batalion of fully armored guards. Mark drew the sword as it glistened in the sunlight, the blade was a sign to show all machines no mercy. All soulders stormmed the factory, and to show the machines that the 501st had no fear, Mark threw a cuncussion and thermal detination bomb in one of the security towers. I would have loved to be there but Michaela were enjoying our vacation together, as it may be our last.
Chapter 10: Dangerous Plotting
__Carnage planned out everything leading up to the deaths of Michaela, Micheal, and Mark in that order. If all goes as planned, and he doesn't miss any vital organs, all of them will be dead and he will reign the land the 501st stand on. He figured if all three of the leader where exterminated, he could control. But he still had dought. What if he missed Micheal's heart? Would Micheal be alive to retern the favor of his enemy? Those two thoughts lingered in his subcontous. He could have fates of both Micheal and his own in his hands depending on how acurate he is. A sentinal came to his main quarters. "Sir, 501st forces are storming the factory. Any commands?" it asked, sounding as if the machine had a humane heart. Carnage thought for a moment the asked ", Who are the leaders in the battle?" The sentenal responded " The only leader is Mark. From what our intellegence says, Micheal took off to the U.S along with someone else." Carnage thought to himself ' That other peorson is ninty-nine point nine percent of being Michaela. One leader means an easyer battle.' The Carnge spoke aloud ", Find Micheal, trace him! And kill every single...." He was cut off by an alarm. He looked on a 3-D image of the factory, the east security tower has been destroyed.
__"Mark is putting out a chalange. On second thought, don't kill all the 501st, just fight them off for a while, and I'll join the battle soon." The sentenal took off, sending the order to all senteal units avalable. Carnage turned to a glass container holding his equipment for combat porposes. His sword, bombs, tracking device, guns, and uniform, a black armored chest plate, arm plates, leg plates, and auto-locking goggles. He made his way to the docking elevator, and took a canaster from his belt. It contained a red symbiotic orginism, and it kept trying to crackthe glass container. he studied it and said to it ", What the hell are you. You've infected Micheal, and if he finds out how to use your power, my plans will be foiled."
Chapter 11: Peace at thats gonna happen
__I was sitting on the beach with Michaela when I felt a chill go through my entire body, and stood up. Michaela knew something was wrong. Before she could speak I stared out to the horizon, the kind of stare when you and an enemy are in the same room, and all you can do is shoot your best death stare. I closed my eyes for five seconds and opened. They where pitch black, that ment I was adjusting my eyes to see what the average human couldn't. "What do you see?" she asked, curious. I replied ", I don't know. It looks like a sentenal, but it's not reading like one." I tilted my head " Wait, it is a sentinal." she said loudly ", Shoot it!" I repeated ", It's not reading like a sentinal. It''s... oh hell no. It's the orichal." I said. The orichal is my mentor, and he has always guided me throgh the toughest time, he was the only reason Michaela and I are standing on the same beach. Normal sentenal sensors, or its eyes, are red but the orichal's where blue.
__"Hello master. How can I, we be of acistance?" I said respectfully bowing, Michaela followed the bow. " Michaela. Micheal. I have some advice, the thing that is taking control of you is a symbiote." he said. I knew the aswer to this next question, but I asked anyway ", How did you know about this thing?" He looked my way ", Your dark side contacted me, I belive it's your forth level of hate." Michaela interupted ", Level of hate, what's that?" I explained ", I have five levels of hate, I'm in level one right now, my human form. My dark side is level two, my dark side with a purple fire is level three, and this thing must be level four." She was curiouse ", What's level five?" I said ", Level five has never been activated by any dark progenator, ever. If they did, he should have recorded it. And since I'm the youngest, and strongest dark progenator that ever lived, I may recive level five soon. And if your wondering what level five is, it is the Dark and Light, a form never been able to be sumoned." "Why?" she asked, and I answered ", That's easy, all the dark progenators died once they recived level four. and I hope I don't surrer the same fate as the previous progenators."
__Level four is not to be toyed with until it was known how to control it. I wasn't ready yet. I did some history on it, and I found an article that read:
A Dark Symbiote will lay dormant in a large pool of Dark Eco until the pool is disturbed by any foren object. This dark symbiote will twist and destory the host, unless the host can take control of the symbiote. If tampered with incorrectly, result may be fatal. Use cation when dealing with the symbiote.

Great, now all I had to worry about was pissing this thing off or I will suffer the same fate of all the prevoius Dark Progenators. Time was short, I had to figure out how to summon this thing, and not let in in control. I looked up : Dark Symbiote Weakness. There was one article found, it read:
__Dark Symbiotes are extreamly effected by Light Eco. This is like a antibiotic of an iffection, The Light Eco will make it decrease power to the rest of the hosts body and the symbiote will allow the host to take control of it. Another weakness is ultra sonic sounds such as metal hitting a gainst metal.
A cuncussion bomb is a form of ultra sonic sound, so that is another weakness. I needed to gather up all the nesccecary items to weaken it, and test out how to control this symbiote. For the sake of my life, for Michaela's sake, and my sanity.
Chapter 12: Leaning how to Obtain Light Eco
__Light Eco is the hardest eco to find because Carnage is trying to destroy the rest of it, only because he plans to kill me. But he doesn't know that without light eco, not only will I die, but so will everything else. I've become so powerful that a really high powered cuncussion bomb generated by myself and the symbiote ,the entire Earth will be destroyed. I asked the orichal where I could find the last reminence of Light Eco, and he said to look in the Earth's crust. An ancient crystal rhelm was located more than 1,000 miles below the Earths surface, and the rhelm had half Dark Eco and Light Eco crystals. It was daring, but I did it anyway, and of course one person wanted to go with me, Michaela. "I don't have any place else to go, I can't drive and as a matter of fact you shouldn't either, we're only thirteen years old. And besides, you need me." She had a way of making you do what she asked, and this time she was right, she had no place to go. I sighed and said ", Well if your going, wear this," I held out a fire resistant suit, modified by the 501st to witstand temperatures up to 9,000 degrees ", It's light weight so I wouldn't feel extra weight."
__The 1,000 mile trip down to the crystals would take a long time, so we went to a creater in Rockport Central Park. We got clearance from Sergent Cross himself. "I'm only letting you do this because I beleive the fate of the world rest on your shoulders. And if you screw anything, anything up, I swear I'll put you behind a tight security cell for the rest of your short life." I finally made eye contact with him after staring at the green grass and the dirt line which begang at the edge of the crater. I looked him dead in the eye and said sternly ", If I fail, you will not have the time to put me in a cell, let alone capture me. So thing, there may not be a next time." He crossed his arms and said in the police tone of voice ", Well, in that case mine and my famly's pryers are with you. Good luck. And hey, if you do succeed we should get together and celebrate, old friend." I smerked ", Sure thing, old partner." Michaela looked at me, then at Cross, and back at me ", You didn't tell me you used to be a cop," she whispered as we walked into the center of the crater. I sighed and explained to her my fater worked with Cross before I was born, and when I was born Cross was my godfather. I also told her my mother died shortly after I was born. She felt bad for me and tried to appologize, but I told her there was nothing she could have done. I went on with my story by saying that my father didn't know what to do, and commited suiside, and Cross raised me. He still morns for his former partner, but he really let his emotions fly when I first got my powers, age five I asked ", Cross, do you know where my mom and dad went to when they left me with you?" He stopped reading his book and looked at his wife, she had a worried look on her face, Cross turned to me, and took his glasses off. "Son. Your parents died around the time you where born, and I took you in as my son. I'm sorry you have to deal with this." I couldn't have gone to sleep that night, because I was crying so much. I guess I got over it, but i don't think I can get the image out of my head.
Chapter 13: Down to the core, and out to the battlefeild
__I and Michaela made it to the area in the earth's crust where the light eco crystals where. They where beautiful, shining white crystals as far as the eye could see. I grabbed as many as I could, turned toward Michaela and said ", Come on, hold on to me and I will launch threw the roof. I need to get to Haven City as soon as posible." She held on to me tight as if she was hugging me. She looked down then looked at me with her mouth opened a little and wide eyed. I smiled and she did the same. We had the same thought, and we kissed. It felt like forever though, once she pulled away slowly, I made a new hole in the earth's surface with a Dark Shot, a concintrated blast of Dark Electricity abot a meter wide. Once hit the surface the shot made a cracking sound almost as if a giant plate was cracked in half. Michaela's head was burried in my chest for protection. All of a sudden it stopped cracking, and it penarated the surface. I had to make sure that it came out to Haven City, so I waited and my luck paid off when I saw a sentenal come through the hole. the first time I was happy to see a sentenal, but it didn't last long when I shot it with a dark shot.
__Me and her saw our chance and before we knew it, we were in Haven City. I tossed her a pistol, and we both began shoting target after target. I grabbed two automatic machine guns from my belt, and made a cross shape with my body and fired round after round at all targets. It didn't take Mark long to recognize us in the middle of the battlefeild. He joined us with a ", Nice for you both to drop by." I replied ", It's nice to see you to Mark." Hell came to earth it deamed. One sentenel came toward us, then stopped and looked toward the war factory. The rest did the same. One person asked ", What are they doing?" I ordered the command to fall back. Michaela and Mark went behind a barricade with the rest of the 501st, but they were up front. I felt a disturbance in Haven City. As soon as I thought that, Carnage appeared on the battlefeild in front of me. I could tell neither one of us, me nor Carnage was going to live after this fight, but we were ready to die.
Chapter 14: The First Armageddon-The Fall of an enemy
__I drew my sword, and he drew his. I took one giant leap toward him and lifted my sword high in the air and swung my sword downward. He blocked then pushed me away. I fell on my back, but jumped right back up, and he was walking toward me drawing his sword back ready to strike. I drew mine back and swung, and our swords clashed together. I pushed him back, and twirled my sword in a pefect circle. I walk toward him while doing this, I plan to throw him off by getting so close then strike. My plan works, I drew it back, but he was quicker. He jabbed me in the shoulder. Michaela gasped, and Carnage heard her. I knew he was thinking to hurt her. I jerked the sword from my shoulder, and he reversed the attack. He threw a dark shot at me and sent me flying about fifty feet from them both. He was walking toward her, but Mark got in front of her as to protect her. It wasn't enough. He drew back his arm, and smacked Mark out of his way. Now he drew his sword back and stabbed her in the stomach, missing all vidal organs. Mark was up immediatly, and caught her before she hit the ground. I dropped to my knees, crying, and Carnage let out a victory laugh. But he didn't know his short victory wouldn't last long. I shot him a look of pure hatred, and jolted toward him and puched him in the face, then I gave him an upercut. He was half-way in the air when I activated the skystick, and as I went up Carnage's chest hit the front of the skystick, and we were both soaring into the dark sky.
__As we went up, I still couldn't beleive I was only 13 years old. I finally stopped before I went into the clouds. He flew forward, then I grabbed him, still blinded by hate. I had hold of his collar, and punched him. This time I let him fall, then he rose. He was on a skystick! He leveled with me. I jumped up and threw a dropkick at him. He dodged it, I looked directly in his eyes. I had to plant both feet back on the hoverboard. I did as he threw a puch at me, and I dodged it but I bent backwards, put my hands on the skystick, and did a backflip sort of motion, and kicked him in the air. He on the other hand, was forced to do a backflip in the air, then planted his feet on the edge of the hoverboard. He recovered quickly, ran toward me and jumped. He successfully kicked me off the skystick, but I stabbed a deep wound in his chest. Michaela on the ground saw what happened, and to prove she wasn't dead, she softly said ", Micheal, no." Mark knew what was going to happed, this is how the Dark Progenator ended. I fell thousands of feet down, and I didn't want to die, not now. Then I grabbed a concussionbomb from my belt, then thought it out, the war is not over, and if the world isn't over neither am--. My thoughts were interupted by a cold object peircing my body, and a collision with the earth. I looked around, and I landed in a construction site. The object that pierced me was a solid rod.
__Mark and Michaela were running over to see what happened, and when they reached the two foot deep creater, Mark covered her eyes, and he looked away. The sight was more than they could both take. Mark felt something wet on his hand, ith was Michaela's tears. Mark told her to stay there. Mark saw the concussion bomb in my hand, then looked at my face. A drop of blood showed immideatly. Carnage was hovering above me. He saw my plan. It was to stab a wound in Carnage, and have Mark push the bomb into his chest, and let it explode. If Mark had to do it, he had to do it now. He reached for the bomb and cliped it to his belt. He got up and ran toward Carnage. Mark knew as much Marshal Arts as Micheal, but Micheal had more abilities. Mark threw a punch, and Carnage was too weak to fight so he tried to dodge it but failed. Mark saw his opritunity. He ripped the concussion bomb from his belt, activated it, and pushed it into Carnage's wound. Once it was in, Mark leaned in and wistered in his ear ", I'll see you in hell, you son of a bitch." Mark threw him to the ground and ran back to Michaela. Carnage realized what happened, and started to laugh. The only other sound you could hear besides his laught was a series of beeps. Beep, beep, beep, bep beep beep, beeeeeeep. Then the air around Carnage was filled with fire and smoke. Once it all cleared, he was gone. Then Michaela heard a faint voice calling her name. "Michaela, help me. Mark, help me. Anyone." Michaela faintly said ', Micheal' and Mark saw me. They ran toward me, I already took the rod out. "Damn, are you okay," Mark asked. I answered ", I don't know. Mind making a trip to the ER?" Mark laughed alittle knowing I was alright. Michaela was so happy I was alive, tears of joy rained down. A medical transport came down from the sky, and they loaded me in. Michaela demanded to ride with me, and the pilot aked ", Sir, can she ride with you?" I smiled and answered with a yes. She smiled and hopped in. Mark yelled to us ", See yall at the hospitle" as the transport door closed. She looked at me, still in joyful tears and said ", I don't know what I would with out you. I so glad your alive." I took my hand and went threw her soft brown hair, admiring her. I looked into her eyes and smiled. "Your so beautiful. After I get out of the hospitle, I promise I'll take you down to Camden Beach, and we can watch the sun set. Together." She smiled and let her teeth show. "That would be nice baby. Just promise me this. Promise you will never do anything like that again." I looked at her and said ", Promise me you'll never put yourself in danger like that again. Deal?" She lied down beside me and wispered in my ear ", Deal. And about Camden Beach. Are you making reservations there?" I chuckled a little and replied ", For one whole week." She put her arm around me, and we just lied there.
Chapter 15: Good news and Bad news
__"Okay, Michaela," a doctor said ", Micheal's alright." She jumped up in excitment. I walked out to the hall, and held my arms out to hug her, and she came right into my arms. The doctor interupted ", Sir, we have some good new and some bad news." I looked at him, Michaela still in one arm ", Good news first." He went on ", You will be able to go back to work in, a week." I looked at Michaela ", I know where we're going this week." She smiled, and the Doctor was still talking ", The bad new is we had a patient in here earlier named Colin Diggin. He was given a bionic body because someone blew the rest of him apart. He said to tell you that he will see you soon. Sir do you know him?" Me and Michaela looked at each other. We knew that Colin Diggin was really Carnage. We didn't say anything and just walked out of there. Mark was waiting for us in the parking lot. "So how did it go. I heard you wouldn't be able to come to work for another week." I answered "Yeah, well there's something else you don't know. Carnage is a new man, literally. He had a bionic body built for himself. Have all 501st personel looking for him. This war isn't over yet." And all Units were set out to search for Carnage, Ground units and Air Forces. I asked Cross to look out for him. Me and Michaela retreated to Camden Beach, and spent the entire week just lieing on the sand, holding hands. And I lived on to be The Dark Progenator.

The End

The Dark Progenator II - Coming to August 1, 2008

1 comment:

X-Racer said...

Hey man. This is awsome, can't wait for the second book to come out. Keep doing what your doing. Your awsome man, see ya.